Recall Number: F-1464-2024
Dairy Manufacturers, Inc recall in Prosper, TX
Here's recall specific data. Click in for more details on the recall by Dairy Manufacturers, Inc in Prosper, TX.
City: Prosper
State: Texas
Country: United States
Classification: Class I
Classification Date: 2024-07-05
Reason: The firm has not submitted the required premarket notification, parents and caregivers should understand that the products have not been evaluated to determine whether they meet U.S. food safety and nutritional standards. Cronobacter spp. detected by FDA sampling.
Product Description: Crecelac Infant 0-12 powdered infant formula with iron 12.4 oz cans
Report Date: 2024-07-17
Product Type: Food
Company: Dairy Manufacturers, Inc
Status: Ongoing
Recall Number: F-1464-2024
Postal Code: 75078-2333
Recall Initiation Date: 2024-05-24
Recall End Date:
Event ID: 94683
Distribution Pattern: Throughout Texas
Voluntary Or Mandated: Voluntary: Firm initiated
Initial Firm Notification: Press Release
Extra Info: 24 039 1 CHE 352-1 02/09/2024 AUG/2025 24 062 1 CHE 352-1 03/08/2024 SEP/2025
Product Quantity: 5376 cans
Address: 601 N Coleman St