Steps to Take If You Have a Recalled Food Product

  1. Check the Recall Notice – Read the recall details carefully and follow any specific instructions provided.

  2. Return or Dispose of the Product – Many recalled items can be returned to the store for a full refund. If disposal is necessary, securely wrap contaminated items before discarding them.

  3. Do Not Share the Product – Avoid giving recalled food to others, including food banks or pets.

Cleaning After Potential Contamination

  1. Wash refrigerator shelves, cutting boards, countertops, and utensils with hot, soapy water.

  2. Sanitize using one tablespoon of chlorine bleach per gallon of hot water and dry with a clean towel.

  3. Wash and disinfect surfaces used for storing or serving the product.

  4. Wash hands with warm water and soap after cleaning.

What to Do If an FDA-Regulated Product Has Made You Sick

  1. Seek medical care – If you experience symptoms, contact your healthcare provider.

  2. Report the issue – If you suspect an FDA-regulated product caused illness or an allergic reaction, you can file a complaint or report an adverse event via Industry and Consumer Assistance.