Recall Number: F-0955-2022
Abbott Laboratories recall in Abbott Park, IL
Here's recall specific data. Click in for more details on the recall by Abbott Laboratories in Abbott Park, IL.
City: Abbott Park
State: Illinois
Country: United States
Classification: Class I
Classification Date: 2022-03-30
Reason: Consumer complaints related to Cronobacter sakazakii or Salmonella Newport in infants and evidence of Cronobacter sakazakii in the manufacturing facility where the product had been produced
Product Description: Abbott Similac Alimentum Allergies & Colic Hypoallergenic Infant Formula 400g. can. 6 cans per case. Item numbers: 5707713 Retail UPCs: 055325000624
Report Date: 2022-03-16
Product Type: Food
Company: Abbott Laboratories
Status: Ongoing
Recall Number: F-0955-2022
Postal Code: 60064-3502
Recall Initiation Date: 2022-02-17
Recall End Date:
Event ID: 89629
Distribution Pattern: US Nationwide. Worldwide.
Voluntary Or Mandated: Voluntary: Firm initiated
Initial Firm Notification: Press Release
Extra Info: Batches: 25558Z260 27940Z260 29267Z260 33689Z200 35026Z260
Product Quantity: 45223 cases
Address: 100 Abbott Park Rd Bldg Ap8b