Recall Number: F-0940-2022
Abbott Laboratories recall in Abbott Park, IL
Here's recall specific data. Click in for more details on the recall by Abbott Laboratories in Abbott Park, IL.
City: Abbott Park
State: Illinois
Country: United States
Classification: Class I
Classification Date: 2022-03-30
Reason: Consumer complaints related to Cronobacter sakazakii or Salmonella Newport in infants and evidence of Cronobacter sakazakii in the manufacturing facility where the product had been produced
Product Description: Abbott Similac For Spit Up Infant Formula with Iron 12.5oz. can. 6 cans per case. Item numbers: 5095976 Retail UPCs: 070074509600
Report Date: 2022-03-16
Product Type: Food
Company: Abbott Laboratories
Status: Ongoing
Recall Number: F-0940-2022
Postal Code: 60064-3502
Recall Initiation Date: 2022-02-17
Recall End Date:
Event ID: 89629
Distribution Pattern: US Nationwide. Worldwide.
Voluntary Or Mandated: Voluntary: Firm initiated
Initial Firm Notification: Press Release
Extra Info: Batches: 24447K807 24448K807 25674K800 25675K800 25677K800 25677K810 25798K800 26873K800 26874K800 26875K800 28024K800 28026K800 29247K800 29247K810 29248K800 29249K800 31502K800 31503K800 31504K800 33702K800 33703K800 33719K800 34854K800 34855K800 34856K800 34857K800 36100K800 36101K800 36102K800 36103K800
Product Quantity: 409673 cases
Address: 100 Abbott Park Rd Bldg Ap8b