Recall Number: F-0409-2025
Cal Yee Farm LLC recall in Fairfield, CA
Here's recall specific data. Click in for more details on the recall by Cal Yee Farm LLC in Fairfield, CA.
City: Fairfield
State: California
Country: United States
Classification: Class I
Classification Date: 2025-01-22
Reason: Undeclared milk
Product Description: Cal Yee's Dark Chocolate Almonds (8-oz plastic bag)
Report Date: 2025-01-29
Product Type: Food
Company: Cal Yee Farm LLC
Status: Ongoing
Recall Number: F-0409-2025
Postal Code: 94534-9780
Recall Initiation Date: 2024-12-06
Recall End Date:
Event ID: 95949
Distribution Pattern: 2 retail stores (CA) and online/phone orders (CA, AZ, VA, NM, TX, TN, OR, OH, PA) Two retail stores include firm's own storefront and customer, Boa Vista Orchards.
Voluntary Or Mandated: Voluntary: Firm initiated
Initial Firm Notification: Telephone
Extra Info: No codes
Product Quantity: Unknown
Address: 5158 Clayton Rd