Recall Number: F-0185-2025
Treehouse Foods recall in Oak Brook, IL
Here's recall specific data. Click in for more details on the recall by Treehouse Foods in Oak Brook, IL.
City: Oak Brook
State: Illinois
Country: United States
Classification: Class II
Classification Date: 2024-11-27
Reason: potential to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes
Product Description: SELECTION 1/1.68kg GRDL WFL CHOC CHIP-SLCTN UPC 00059749977692 NO NAME 12/280g GRDL WFL CCH - NNAME UPC 060383987701 SELECTION 12/280g GRDL WFL CCH-SLCTN UPC 059749904711 COMPLIMENTS 12/280g GRDL WFL CHOC CHIP - CMPLM UPC 055742500509 HANNAFORD 8/12.3oz GRDL WFL CHOC CHIP-HANNA UPC 041268196326 SIGNATURE SELECT 8/12.3oz GRDL WFL CHOC CHIP-SIGSL UPC 021130095988 FOODHOLD 8/12.3oz GRDL WFL CHOC CHIP-FDHLD UPC 688267073984 BEST CHOICE 12/12.3oz GRDL WFL CHOC CHIP-BSTCH UPC 070038596790 PICS BY PRICE CHOPPER 12/12.3oz GRDL WFL CCH - PRCHP UPC 041735157133 SCHNUCKS 12/12.3oz GRDL WFL CCH - SCHNK UPC 041318100518 SE GROCERS 12/12.3oz GRDL WFL CCH-SEGGR UPC 038259145067 SUNNY SELECT 12/12.3oz GRDL WFL CCH - SUNNY UPC 098487957641 WINCO FOODS 12/12.3oz GRDL WFL CCH-WINCO UPC 070552306158 BROOKSHIRE'S 12/12.3oz GRDL WFL CCH - BRKSH UPC 092825096733 TOPS 12/12.3oz GRDL WFL CCH - TOPTC UPC 070784056067 BREAKFAST BEST 12/12.3OZ GRDL WFL CHOC CHIP-BKBST UPC 4061464785205 GREAT VALUE 6/29.6oz GRDL WFL CCH-GRVAL UPC FOODHOLD 6/29.6oz GRDL WFL CHOC CHIP-FDHLD UPC 688267150029 KROGER 8/29.6oz GRDL WFL CHOC CHIP - KROGR UPC 011110105523 GREAT VALUE 12/560g GRDL WFL CCH - GRVLC UPC 628915641974
Report Date: 2024-12-04
Product Type: Food
Company: Treehouse Foods
Status: Ongoing
Recall Number: F-0185-2025
Postal Code: 60523-1860
Recall Initiation Date: 2024-10-17
Recall End Date:
Event ID: 95578
Distribution Pattern: Nationwide in USA and Canada
Voluntary Or Mandated: Voluntary: Firm initiated
Initial Firm Notification: Letter
Extra Info: All Batch Codes starting with 2C and within shelf-life. Best By Dates: OCT 01 2024 to OCT 11 2025
Product Quantity: 9,907,389 cases (total)
Address: 2021 Spring Rd Ste 600