Product Recall Number: 25-165
TRUBLUE iQ and TRUBLUE iQ+ Auto Belays
Here's product recall specific data for TRUBLUE iQ and TRUBLUE iQ+ Auto Belays.
Product Recall Number: 25-165
Product Safety Warning Number:
Date: 2025-02-27
Product Safety Warning Date:
Name Of Product: TRUBLUE iQ and TRUBLUE iQ+ Auto Belays
Description: This recall involves TRUBLUE iQ Auto Belay Devices, which enable climbers to safely descend while climbing. The TRUBLUE iQ is gray with blue handles and a gray sash on the front cover. The TRUBLUE iQ+ has an added catch-and-hold brake on the front. The LT versions of the iQ and iQ+ have blue tags above the blue webbing hand grip; the XL versions have a purple tag. The recalled auto belay devices have a serial number within the following serial number ranges printed on the device’s handle, as well on the bottom of the device:ProductsModelsSerial Number RangeTRUBLUE iQ LTTBiQ LT (12.5m)iQ0041591 through iQ0044486TRUBLUE iQ+LTTBiQ+ LT (12.5m)iQP000401 through iQP000422TRUBLUE iQ XLTBiQ XL (20m)iQXL01283 through iQXL03425TRUBLUE iQ+XLTBiQ+ XL (20m)iQXLP0104 through iQXLP0215
Hazard Description: The recalled auto belay device can fail to retract, posing a fall hazard and risk of serious injury or death.
Consumer Action: None Listed
Original Product Safety Warning Announcement: None Listed
Remedy Type: Repair
Units: About 410
Incidents: The firm has received 109 reports of incidents of slow retraction, including one injury involving the auto belay not retracting, resulting in a fractured leg.
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using recalled auto belay devices and contact Head Rush Technologies for a free onsite inspection and repair.
Sold At: from May 2023 through December 2024 for between $2,800 to $4,600.
Importers: None Listed
Manufacturers: Head Rush Technologies, of Louisville, Colorado
Distributors: None Listed
Manufactured In: United States
Custom Label: None Listed
Custom Field: None Listed