Product Recall Number: 25-156
Canyon Speedmax CF Triathlon Bicycles
Here's product recall specific data for Canyon Speedmax CF Triathlon Bicycles.
Product Recall Number: 25-156
Product Safety Warning Number:
Date: 2025-02-27
Product Safety Warning Date:
Name Of Product: Canyon Speedmax CF Triathlon Bicycles
Description: This recall involves all Canyon Speedmax CF triathlon bicycle models R073 and R41 with V21 aerostems. The carbon fiber bikes were sold in black/red, black/blue, gray/orange, and red and black. “Canyon” is printed on the downtube. “Speedmax” is printed on the top tube. “V21” is printed on the left side of the stem. The model number can be found on a sticker at the top of the seat tube, just below the saddle.
Hazard Description: The aerostem fork steerer tube on the recalled bicycles can crack or break, posing fall and injury hazards.
Consumer Action: None Listed
Original Product Safety Warning Announcement: None Listed
Remedy Type: Repair
Units: About 1,400 (In addition, about 380 were sold in Canada)
Incidents: None reported
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled bicycles and contact a Canyon Authorized Service Partner to schedule a free repair. The repair will include removal and inspection of the fork steerer tube, a fork replacement, if needed, and preventative reinforcement of the clamping area of the fork steerer tube. Canyon is contacting all known purchasers directly.
Sold At: from May 2017 through July 2024 for between $4,000 and $5,000.
Importers: Canyon Bicycles USA Inc., of Carlsbad, California
Manufacturers: None Listed
Distributors: None Listed
Manufactured In: Taiwan
Custom Label: None Listed
Custom Field: None Listed