Product Recall Number: 25-152
OdorStop Boot and Shoe Dryers and Deodorizers
Here's product recall specific data for OdorStop Boot and Shoe Dryers and Deodorizers.
Product Recall Number: 25-152
Product Safety Warning Number:
Date: 2025-02-20
Product Safety Warning Date:
Name Of Product: OdorStop Boot and Shoe Dryers and Deodorizers
Description: This recall involves OdorStop Boot and Shoe Dryers and Deodorizers with model numbers OSOBSDD2 and OSOBSDD. The model number and OdorStop name are on a label at the bottom of the product. The products are used to dry and deodorize two or four boots with high-output fans and a 3-hour timer.
Hazard Description: The heat or ozone on-off switch can short circuit, resulting in arcing, posing a fire hazard.
Consumer Action: None Listed
Original Product Safety Warning Announcement: None Listed
Remedy Type: Repair
Units: About 13,000
Incidents: None reported
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled OdorStop Boot and Shoe Dryers and Deodorizers and contact OdorStop to receive a free repair. OdorStop will install a new in-line fuse into the recalled products and return them to the consumer. Consumers should visit https:/ to register for the recall and to receive instructions to obtain a free return label to return the product for a free repair.
Sold At: Online at,,, and from December 2018 through October 2023 for between $100 and $130.
Importers: OdorStop LLC, of Hamburg, New York
Manufacturers: None Listed
Distributors: None Listed
Manufactured In: China
Custom Label: None Listed
Custom Field: None Listed