Product Recall Number: 25-151
ShadesU Roller Window Shades
Here's product recall specific data for ShadesU Roller Window Shades.
Product Recall Number: 25-151
Product Safety Warning Number:
Date: 2025-02-20
Product Safety Warning Date:
Name Of Product: ShadesU Roller Window Shades
Description: This recall involves ShadesU Roller Window Shades sold exclusively on The roller blinds were sold in multiple colors with sizes ranging from a width of 20 to 90 inches and height of 72 inches. “ShadesU” is printed on the label sticker on the right side of the bottom rail of the blinds.
Hazard Description: The recalled window blinds have long operating cords that can cause death or serious injury to children, due to strangulation and entanglement hazards. The window blinds are in violation of the federal regulations for window coverings and present a substantial product hazard. The window blinds also violate federal regulations for labeling of window coverings.
Consumer Action: None Listed
Original Product Safety Warning Announcement: None Listed
Remedy Type: Repair
Units: About 15,500
Incidents: None reported
Remedy: Consumers should immediately put the window blind cords up and away from children and contact Shadeks for instructions to return the shades for a free repair. Shadeks will remove the long operating cord and update the shades to a cordless design. Consumers will need to provide their contact information and address to receive a free shipping label. Amazon is contacting all known purchasers directly.
Sold At: Online at from June 2024 through September 2024 for between $34 and $170.
Importers: Shadeks LLC, of Bensalem, Pennsylvania
Manufacturers: None Listed
Distributors: None Listed
Manufactured In: Turkey
Custom Label: None Listed
Custom Field: None Listed